Why CBD Oil Creates A Burning Sensation In My Mouth?

side effects of CBD
Benefits Of CBD Oil
Benefits Of CBD Oil
Benefits Of CBD Oil

The enormous number of health benefits offered by cannabidiol (CBD) attracted a lot of people towards this compound. It is now being recognized as a natural cure for a large number of illnesses like epileptic seizures, pain, inflammation, anxiety disorders, nausea, vomiting, stress, skin diseases, sleep disorders, etc.

CBD oil is one of the popular products derived from this compound. Some of the important benefits of CBD oil are its great potency and high concentrations of CBD and other cannabinoids. In most cases, CBD oil available in the market will be full-spectrum that contains all of the important compounds present in the hemp plants. These compounds carry their own health benefits and are capable of enhancing each other’s properties when present together.

Hence, you can get better effects by choosing CBD oil. However, many people report that CBD oil creates a burning sensation in their mouth when taken orally or sublingually. If you are one among them, then we explain why you might be experiencing a burning sensation after consuming CBD oil.

CBD Oil And Burning Sensation

Manufacturers always try to improve the effectiveness of their CBD oil. Hence, they increase the concentration of CBD and other compounds in their products to offer better benefits for users.

Usually, the burning sensation associated with CBD oil will be because of the high concentrations of hemp extract present in it. Hemp extract can have a bitter and grassy flavor that can be really strong. But it won’t do you any harm. So you need not worry about it in normal cases.

But if it is difficult for you to endure this flavor, then it is better to go for other CBD products like edibles, capsules, pills, etc. that can be easy and convenient to use.

In certain other cases, you might experience an intense burning sensation and other problems in your mouth. This can be because of two reasons:

  • The product you chose can be of low quality and it can contain harmful chemicals
  • You might be allergic to certain compounds present in the CBD oil

If you experience severe issues, make sure to stop the use of CBD oil immediately and consult your doctor.

Apart from the burning sensation, you can experience some other problems in association with CBD oil. Some of the common side effects of CBD are nausea, diarrhea, drowsiness, etc. If you experience these side effects, make sure to notify your doctor.