What You Should Know About Using CBD For Managing Arthritis Pain

CBD Therapy
CBD Therapy
CBD Therapy
CBD Therapy

Cannabidiol, or CBD for short, is one of the active compounds produced by the cannabis plant. While not intoxicating, CBD is capable of causing drowsiness. The CBD present in most products is derived from hemp, which itself is one of the cannabis plant varieties containing only traces of THC. For those of you who don’t know, THC is what gets you high, and CBD oil without THC does not have this effect.

CBD For Arthritis

Animal studies did up until this point suggests that CBD therapy can relieve pain and reverse inflammation. That said, neither of these effects has been proven to occur in studies done on humans. The only information to go by is that some but not all arthritis sufferers to have tried CBD noticed sleep improvement, pain relief, and anxiety reduction.

The Safety Factor

There is a lot of research currently underway regarding the safety of using CBD, and until now, no serious safety concerns have been noted in cases where the person used moderate doses. People with arthritis normally take other medication, and CBD is thought capable of interacting with said medication. For this reason, arthritis sufferers already on medication are advised to talk to their doctor before beginning taking CBD.

The Legality Of CBD

CBD products that are derived from hemp no longer carry the “Schedule I drug” tag where it concerns the federal Controlled Substances Act. That said, CBD is still in a gray zone of sorts. Changes are being made on the state and federal levels which will clarify the regulations and laws around CBD-based products. At present, CBD products can be bought in almost every state, as well as online. People seeking to start using CBD should first be aware of whether their state of residence allows it.

What To Know Before Using CBD For Arthritis

There haven’t been quality clinical studies surrounding CBD and arthritis, and because of this, doctors are not clear on who might gain from using CBD and who should avoid it. What you need to know are the following things.

  • It is not an alternative to disease-modifying treatment when it comes to inflammatory arthritis.
  • Patients interested in trying out CBD should first consult their health care provider. It works best if together they do a review of what worked and what didn’t.
  • Quality CBD products are by no means cheap, especially if you want enough of them to last long periods. You don’t want to end up wasting money, so be sure that the CBD product you’re considering will have a positive effect.