How Does CBD Affect your Blood Pressure?

CBD For Infection
CBD For Infection
CBD For Hypertension
CBD For Hypertension

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, can cause serious health problems such as heart attacks and strokes. Nevertheless, many suffering from high blood pressure are oblivious as this condition rarely causes severe symptoms. It is due to this particular reason that it is considered crucial to getting your blood pressure monitored. Because high blood pressure is often a silent illness, you may not notice symptoms until it has progressed to a more serious stage. Migraine, nosebleeds, drowsiness, difficulty breathing, chest pain, and other symptoms may appear at that time.

Many people are now using CBD for reducing blood pressure. CBD is among the cannabis plant’s active ingredients. It does not produce intoxication or a “high” like THC. The possible therapeutic benefits of CBD, on the other hand, are receiving a lot of attention.

CBD For Lowering Blood Pressure

CBD products have been shown to lower your blood pressure, but the results from the studies are mixed. A 2017 study of 9 healthy men suggested that a single dose of CBD brought down the blood pressure in both relaxed and stressed participants. CBD was found to reduce blood pressure that is elevated due to stress and also lowers heart rate in mice in another study published in 2017.

CBD, on the other hand, was found to have no impact on blood pressure in a rat study conducted in 2020, though it did show some antioxidant effects. Another study from 2020 showed that CBD could help patients with high blood pressure. Investigations indicate CBD’s potential benefits for managing cardiovascular disorders, but say more studies are required to fully comprehend how it might help.

Is Taking CBD For Hypertension Safe?

CBD’s possible advantages have been recognized by the FDA and the World Health Organization. CBD is normally well-tolerated, according to a 2017 WHO report, with a great safety profile and no side effects that could imply misuse or addiction. More studies are needed, according to the FDA, and many queries about CBD’s safety remain unsolved. Moreover, some CBD products are mislabeled and of questionable quality, according to the report.

According to a 2012 study on cannabinoids and anxiety, some cannabinoids may have a biphasic effect, which means they have different impacts on your body depending on the dose. A 2011 study showed that a combination of CBD and THC or THC alone could cause high blood pressure in some cases and a decrease in others when it came to high blood pressure.