Is Cannabidiol (CBD) Useful For Treating Metabolic Syndrome?

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The positive effect of cannabidiol CBD on the endocannabinoid system (ECS) makes it useful for treating metabolic syndrome symptoms. This is a condition in which processes like energy generation and storage becomes dysfunctional. Thus, the body loses its ability to maintain blood sugar levels and the fat storage goes into overdrive. Moreover, the metabolic process is mainly maintained by hormones like insulin, cortisol, and glucagon along with the reliance on organs like the liver, pancreas, hypothalamus, and digestive tract. This article will best attempt to answer how CBD is useful in treating the symptoms due to metabolic syndrome.

Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic syndrome is a disease that affects homeostasis, because of this, it affects almost all types of functions in our body. It affects blood sugar levels, organ system functions, blood pressure, pulse rate, and hormone levels, etc. Our body converts excess blood sugar into fat and stores it in internal organs like the liver. This disease affects all the organs involved in energy metabolisms like the digestive system, pancreas, and liver. People suffering from this disease gradually gain weight in their midsection.

CBD Benefits For Metabolic Syndrome

People who suffer from metabolic syndrome are at higher risk for obesity, fatty liver disease, inflammation, high blood triglyceride levels, and have higher chances of developing diabetes. To avoid these, it is important to maintain energy metabolism, and CBD is useful due to its influence on the ECS by interacting with CB1 and CB2 receptors of this system. ECS regulates homeostasis for organs including those involved in energy metabolisms like the liver and pancreas. Also, CBD is beneficial in treating this condition because of its anti-inflammatory effect.

CBD Protects Liver: Metabolic syndrome causes the accumulation of fat in the liver called fatty liver, and it ultimately causes liver failure if left untreated. CBD reduces cholesterol levels, reduces inflammation, and improves liver function.

CBD Promotes Weight Loss: Metabolic syndrome causes weight gain due to the accumulation of fat cells. CBD promotes the conversion of white fat cells into brown fat cells that burn calories, and this conversion requires calorie burning as well. Also, consuming CBD products like oil reduces food intake and reduces body weight. These are the two ways CBD promotes weight loss in people suffering from metabolic syndrome.

Finally, CBD alleviates side-effects due to metabolic syndrome like nerve pain, irritable bowel syndrome, diabetes, kidney disease, and osteoporosis, etc. So, cannabidiol (CBD) is a good natural alternative to treat the symptoms of metabolic syndrome, but it cannot cure the condition.